MCPS Superintendent Caught on 'Hot Mic' as Snow Fell

MCPS Superintendent Caught on 'Hot Mic' as Snow Fell

As snow fell and parents and kids across Montgomery County pined away the hours last night waiting to hear if MCPS would cancel school today, Dr. Monifa B. McKnight, current superintendent, was celebrating a friend's birthday at TGI Fridays in Rockville.

After McKnight gave birthday well wishes through the DJ's sound system, a bystander could be heard asking, "What about school tomorrow? People need to know."

McKnight, unaware her microphone was still on, gave a short laugh and replied, "Let them eat ice cream cake," before digging into a slice of Fudgie the Whale at 8:13pm.

The birthday party ended at 9:30pm and MCPS announced the school closures at 9:50pm.

McKnight denied the decision was delayed due to her party attendance. "Were we going to close today? Duh!" She added, 'I just meant that everyone should get to enjoy Fudgie."

Council member Evan Glass was quick to release a statement critical of McKnight. "At a time when county residents were anxious, really suffering, to suggest Fudgie the Whale slices was careless and insensitive. It's Cookie Puss who makes everyone smile, and she knows it," Glass said.

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