Rhinoceros Escapes Laytonsville Sanctuary

Rhinoceros Escapes Laytonsville Sanctuary

Residents in Laytonsville’s Brook Hollow neighborhood did a double take on Tuesday after a rhinoceros was spotted grazing with a herd of cows in a neighboring field.  The twenty-four-year-old southern white rhino, Betsy, escaped its enclosure at the nearby Goshen Farms Large Mammal Sanctuary sometime during the night.

Jane Werda’s home backs to the field. “We were in shock,” Werda said. “We see deer, fox, coyotes and even the occasional bear in this area, but never rhinoceros.” Werda says the rhino was peaceful and the cows didn’t seem to mind it being there.

A representative from Montgomery County Fish & Game told the Montgonion, “an investigation always occurs with an incident of this type, but it was the first known escape from Goshen Farms and they’ve been an excellent community partner.”

Goshen Farms Large Mammal Sanctuary is home to a variety of rescued large mammals, including four other rhinos, eleven zebras, and twenty-two North African elephants. “Most of our animals are former circus performers and for the most part they are tame,” said Bill Coady, curator of Goshen Farms.

Betsy was led back to her enclosure by handlers after enjoying a meal alongside thirty head of cattle.

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