Rec Department Releases Mattress Use Rules
The Montgomery County Recreation Department has released new rules governing use of the discarded mattress behind Lidl Food Market in the Glenmont Shopping Center in Silver Spring. Residents must now pre-register to occupy the full-size Sealy and there is a two-hour time limit. Nonresidents may use the mattress for a fee.
The mattress in the secluded Lidl back alley is a popular spot for workers catching a quick nap, the unhoused, and Kennedy High School couples whose parents work at home.
Recreation Department officials say the new rules, designed to mitigate competition and disputes among mattress users, also address environmental and public health concerns. Stacks of cardboard made available for copulating residents must be discarded along with used condoms under bushes on designated curbs, officials said.
Mattress users have access to over 200 feet of disposal facilities in the bushes behind Lidl Food Market
Montgomery County Councilmember Natali Fani-González hailed the new mattress rules as yet another step forward for Glenmont, which has suffered from urban decay for half a century. "The status quo is unsustainable and makes our County less attractive to families, workers, entrepreneurs, and businesses. To address this crisis, we must act boldly. Now." she said.
Glenmont mattress times may be reserved at the Recreation Department website for free by anyone with a county address. Nonresidents pay $10 per hour. According to the website, Montgomery County does not ask about immigration status or communicable diseases when taking mattress reservations or providing other county services.