Google Uses President’s New Names for Triadelphia and Sugarloaf

Google Uses President’s New Names for Triadelphia and Sugarloaf

Google Maps users in Montgomery County can expect to see the body of water known since 1943 as the Triadelphia Reservoir renamed the Montgomery Reservoir, aligning with the terms of County Council President Kate Stewart's controversial executive order. Google also said Sugarloaf, a mountain in southern Frederick County, is going to be called Mount Montgomery on its maps for those same users, reflecting the presidential mandate.

Google noted that a location's name may appear differently depending on where Maps users are. Howard County users will still see Triadelphia and Frederick users will see Sugarloaf. Everyone elsewhere in the world sees both names.

In a news release, the Montgomery County Natural Resources Department said the changes "reaffirm the County's commitment to expanding the economic and natural resources of Montgomery County and ensuring that future generations thrive from the legacy of the President's Montgomery First agenda."

Howard County Council Chair Liz Walsh derided Mrs. Stewart's move to rename the reservoir that shares near-equal lengths of coastline with her county and Montgomery. Walsh sarcastically suggested renaming Burtonsville to South Fulton "in keeping with Montgomery residents perpetual efforts to make it sound like they live in a nicer neighborhood."

Sugarloaf came by its name because its shape reminded 1700s hunters and pioneers of the sugar loaves common in those days. "Frederick has much better mountains north of the city and Stronghold is a pain in the ass. If that's the hill they want to die on, we won't stand in Montgomery's way," said Frederick County Council President Brad Young.

Although the Montgomery County government will formally reference both the reservoir and the mountain by their new names, other Maryland counties are not required recognize them. The Montgonion, whose style guidance local news organizations typically follow, will call them Montgomery Reservoir and Mount Montgomery in keeping with our long-standing tradition of bending to the will of politicians who occasionally Like our posts.

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