DHHS Urges Northern Lights Corona Protection

DHHS Urges Northern Lights Corona Protection

Northern lights corona safety kits including aurora glasses, N95 masks, and hand sanitizer are available for free to county residents at public libraries this weekend, Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services has announced.

"Geomagnetic storms occur when the sun emits charged particles, called coronal mass ejections, through eruptions from its surface. While beautiful to behold, it is important to remember basic corona safety," said DHHS Director Piro Kinesis.

"The corona is widely considered to be the most impressive type of aurora, and they occur during the most spectacular aurora displays. Residents hoping to catch a glimpse this weekend should use eye protection, masks, and social distancing," Kinesis advised.

The DHHS northern lights corona safety kits are available in limited quantities at all county libraries this weekend.

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