Silver Spring Apartments Exempt from County's Emergency Rent Increase
The Montgomery County Council today approved emergency legislation designed to help landlords recoup losses associated with the end of daylight savings time.
Landlords are entitled to a one-hour pro rata rent increase to offset the extra hour of tenancy that occurred when tenants set their clocks back to standard time at the beginning of the month.
Under a last-minute amendment, families in The Enclave Apartments or Arrive Apartments in Silver Spring were exempt from the rent increase to help offset their buildings' recently imposed fees.
Enclave tenants were surprised this month with a $25 eviction possessions sidewalk disposal charge, and Arrive added a $16 monthly assessment for evacuation stairwell rooftop hatch upgrades.
Housing advocates recognized the Council for the Silver Spring apartments amendment. According to Tonia Chestnut, president of The Enclave Tenants Association, "it was the least they could do."