The Story Behind the “Hottie” Honda in MoCo

The Story Behind the “Hottie” Honda in MoCo

In less than 24 hours, hundreds (if not thousands) of photos of a Honda Element with the words “Hottie” and “Dilf” spray painted across the side and top of the vehicle have made their way across social media in Montgomery County – specifically in Olney. So what’s the story behind it?

Readers have shared their own versions of who the car belongs to and the story behind it. This includes things they’ve read, comments they’ve seen, and rumors they’ve heard about who it is and what happened. Most involve the first thing that comes to mind – a salt-n-pepper, mid-forties Dad who spends a lot of time at the gym…but none of the theories have proven to be true.

The “vandalized” car belongs to Roger Drummey, an Olney resident and 2019 state Pickleball Champ. The “spray paint” is actually spray chalk that easily washes off.

Drummey tells us he is the original owner of the Honda. The stunt was done to get his wife’s attention, he tells us. And it definitely seems to have worked. “Let’s just say I missed the presidential debate last night,” Drummey said with a wink.

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